
My name is Sherry 'The Realist' and I hail from the Sunshine State. I was born and raised near Miami but presently live on the fringes of the Florida Everglades near that big lake you see on the map. Home is with my husband and a menagerie of pets including seven dogs, two goats, too many cats to mention and a resident (8 foot ) gator named Adonis. Ok, Adonis isn't really a pet, but we have an understanding with him. A 'Co-existence Treaty' you might call it.

Seriously, we like to think of our property as a wildlife refuge and feel somewhat called upon to protect the nature that surrounds us and don't mind it a bit because we feel blessed to be a part of it. Not everybody is lucky enough to watch an armadillo waddle up in the yard to inspect the swimming pool in broad daylight. This is just one of the many common occurances that I see upclose and personal.

Hmmmmm... who am I? Well that would be up for debate. I am many things to many different people and that changes from day to day and depends on who you might ask. Above all, I am a forty year old wife, lover, mother, sister, daughter, friend, humaniac, writer, oh and yes, a poet. Not neccesarily at one time or in that order but I do my best to please which isn't always easy. I have many interests including gardening, hiking, region history, cooking, weekend travel, and most of all people.

These days I make my living working from home designing websites which I left my job at a regional newspaper to pursue fulltime. I am also involved in several self publishing ventures including chapbook design.

Well that's about it except to say that I hope you find In Real Life Too! represents most of it as that was my goal. Enjoy your visit. ~ Sherry

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In Real Life Too! & Sherry Bocchicchio
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